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Hardwell, the world's only company specializing in life in the cast Everyone who has ever worn a medical cast will know the three following inconveniences:- uncomfortable and wet showers- itching that may occur at anytime- sweat and smells from inside the cast We established Hardwell to resolve these time worn irritations and ease the day to day existence of cast wearers everywhere.Established in 2011, we have developed the first cast itch-scratcher in Korea. It is now a must-have item for casted patients in Korea. In 2016, the company made a 100% local waterproof cast cover that allows the wearer to take a shower with perfect waterproofing.And in March 2018, we invented the world's first cast cleanser in over 100 years of cast history that can cleanse the skin inside the cast. We at Hardwell have once and for all eased the perennial irritations associated with life whilst wearing a medical cast. 

